Market | Announcements
What is NEW
S.No. | Agency | Announcement | Details | Contact | Last Date |
1 | STPI IoTIpenLab | Apply for IoT Open Challenge Program(OCP) 6.0 | Apply for IoT Open Challenge Program(OCP) 6.0 | Apply for IoT Open Challenge Program(OCP) 6.0 | 14/06/2023 |
The Digicom Portal provides a unique platform on opportunities to the stakeholders including announcements on procurements, pilots, funding, sales pitches, hackathons, standardization actions, collaboration, workshops, exhibitions, demand surveys and many more.
Past announcements from DoT included Production linked incentive scheme, Design linked incentive scheme, Digital Communication Innovation Square etc.

List of past announcements from DoT
S.No. | Announcement | Details (brief) | Last Date |
1 | India Telecom 2023 | India Telecom 2023, 22nd – 23rd March,2023 at Hotel Taj Palace, New Delhi for more details visit – | 23/03/2022 |
2 | Schemes for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) | “Various Schemes for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs)” | |
3 | NCC 2023 | The National Conference on Communications (NCC) is a flagship conference of India in the broad areas of communications, organized every year by the Joint Telematics Group (JTG) of the IITs and the IISc | 26/02/2023 |
4 | IEEE Leadership | met Secretary Telecom on 6th February at DoT HQ | |
5 | COMSNETS 2023, Bengaluru | 15th International Conference on Communication Systems & NetworkS(COMSNETS) is a premier international conference dedicated to advances in Networking and Communications Systems organised by COMSNETS Association | 08/01/2023 |
6 | 5G VEPP initiative | Vertical Engagement program is envisaged to build strong collaboration partnerships across 5G Use-case ecosystem stakeholders with velocity and with an exclusive emphasis to address User/Vertical Industry needs 5GVEPP | |
7 | Telecom Technology Development Fund | Aim to enable affordable broadband and mobile services in rural and remote areas. | 31/12/2022 |
8 | Centre of Innovation (COI) for IOT/M2M | Setting up a “Centre of Innovation” for proposals from Indian organisations (including startups) interested in the development and testing of innovative IoT/M2M solutions based on oneM2M standards. Centre will assist in development,integration,and testing of innovative,smart solutions based on M2M standards |