Service Providers
The services providers include the various licensees who provide telecommunications services to the end users as per the terms and conditions stipulated in the license agreement.
Details on Telecom Service Providers
Unified License
The Government, based on NTP_2021 and recommendation of TRAI, decided to grant Unified License (UL). The UL delinked allocation of spectrum from the licenses. The spectrum was required to be obtained separately. Applicant can apply for Unified license along with authorization for any one or more services listed below:
- Unified License (All Services)
- Access Service
- Internet Services
- National Long Distance
- International Long Distance
- Global Mobile Personal Communications by Satellite (GMPCS) Service
- Public Mobile Radio Trunking Service (PMRTS)
- Very Small Aperture Terminal (VSAT) Closed User Group (CUG) Service
- INSAT MSS – Reporting (MSS-R) Service
- Resale of International Private Leased Circuit (IPLC) Service
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An Unified Access Services licensee can provide wireline as well as wireless services in a service area. Wireless services include Full Mobile, Limited Mobile and Fixed Wireless services. The licensee can also provide various Value Added Services . Basic and Cellular Services Licensees are permitted to migrate to Unified Access Services Licence regime.List of UASL authorisations as on 31.03.2022 issued by AS Wing
Internet Service Provider
To become an ISP, one must acquire a Unified License under which Authorization for providing ISP services is obtained. There are three categories of ISP. They are differentiated by the scale of the coverage area of the ISP license (i) ISP-A: national area, (ii) ISP-B: major states / metro cities or (iii) ISP-C: other smaller cities, towns, villages and districts.List of ISP Authorization under Unified License (as on 31.03.2022)
List of ISP Authorization under Unified License VNO (as on 31.03.2022)
Further updates on Service
A National Long-Distance Provider provides NLD Service by providing the digital resources required to carry long-distance telecom services on a national scale. The telecom services may include Voice, Data, Fax, Text, Video multimediaFurther updates on Service
ILD License, provided by the Department of telecommunication, enables most unified license holders to go beyond their usual business and integrate international connectivity into their services.Further updates on,31.05.2011PMRTS Service
Public Mobile Radio Trunking Service (PMRTS) is a two-way mobile radio service in which users communicate amongst themselves in a designated group, talk through a pair of radio frequencies which get assigned out of a common pool of frequencies in a designated frequency band. PMRTS is a well proven niche market service having its unique capability of communication instantly within the closed user group (CUG). The service has found its growing prominence in all critical infrastructure sectors such as Manufacturing, Oil & Gas, Mining, Construction, Courier, Emergency Medical Services, Utilities, Transportation (Road, Airports, Harbours), Energy & Communication, Fire & Safety department of public utilities.Further updates on CUG Service
The New Telecom Policy 1999 envisages grant of license on non-exclusive basis to Very Small Aperture Terminal (VSAT) service providers for a period of 20 years extendable one time by 10 years. Accordingly, licenses are issued to applicants to establish, install, operate and maintain VSAT Closed Users Group (CUG) Domestic Data Network service via INSAT Satellite System on non- exclusive basis within territorial boundary of India. There are two types of CUG VSAT licenses (i) Commercial CUG VSAT license and (ii) Captive CUG VSAT license. The commercial VSAT service provider can offer the service on commercial basis to the subscribers by setting up a number of closed User Groups (CUGs) whereas in the captive VSAT service only one CUG can be set up for the captive use of the licensee.
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NSAT Mobile Satellite System Reporting Service (INSAT MSS Reporting Service) is a one way satellite based messaging service available through INSAT. The basic nature of this service is to provide a reporting channel via satellite to the group of people, who by virtue of their nature of work are operating from remote locations without any telecom facilities and need to send short textual message or short data occasionally to a central station. This service provides one way message reporting (transmit only) facility from anywhere in India.Further updates on IPLC
With a view to promote competition and affordability in International Private Leased Circuits (IPLC) Segment, Government has permitted the Resale of IPLC and introduced a new category of License called as Resale of IPLC Service License with effect from 24th September 2008. The Reseller shall provide end-to-end IPLC between India and country of destination for any capacity denomination. For providing the IPLC service, the Reseller shall take the IPLC from International Long Distance (ILD) Service Providers licensed under Section 4 of the India Telegraph Act, 1885.Further updates on provider
The service provider provides assets such as Dark Fibre, Right of Way, Duct space and Tower. This was opened to private sector with effect from 13.08.2000. Indian companies registered under Companies Act 1956/2013 are eligible to apply. The applicant company is required to be registered with DoT only.List of IP I registered Companies (as on 30 June 2022)
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