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Society’s increasing use of radio-based technologies, and the tremendous opportunities for social development that these technologies provide, highlight the importance of radio-frequency spectrum and national spectrum management processes. The spectrum policy is aimed at following objectives:

  • Identify various spectrum needs to enable 6G in the coming years
  • Spectrum availability and allocation among various radio services with reasonable certainty to bridge adoption lag and maximize socioeconomic benefits
  • Provide high speed broadband through various access technologies to address digital divide
  • Signal 6G spectrum bands for industry to enable efficiently plan and build wireless infrastructure across sectors and introduce new wireless technologies in a systematic manner
  • Spectrum availability for 6G technology innovations and facilitate ease of doing R&D
  • Deploy spectrum efficient technologies by all stakeholders including Government, TSPs, Enterprise users
  • Encourage spectrum sharing and optimal coexistence among various radio services
  • Provide outline for national studies related to radio frequency spectrum
  • Position India as hub of 6G wireless technology R&D and Manufacturing
  • Attract investments in exploiting spectrum
  • Facilitate enhanced use of wireless technologies in enhancing productivity and operational efficiency through industry 4.0 and enterprise digitalization
  • Flexible and dynamic approach to incorporate new kinds of radio services in the existing bands and inter se allocation of bands to prioritize relevant radio services.

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