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DR BKSingh

Director (BKC Aggregators Pvt Ltd)

Agro technology has taken a big leap . In order for the technology to get to farmers smart phones are already paying a big role . For instance our technology hand holds the farmers from pre-sowing to post-harvest and also provides up-to-date market information for the crops they cultivate . All in real time . Advisories are available in farmers pocket on 24×7 basis through our App named Fasal Salah which is available in multiple languages . It is equipped with audio feature for those who cannot read.
At the bottom of the technology lies a proprietary software which uses Artificial Intelligence to generate granulated GIS based village-wise weather forecast and bundles it to crop characteristics each day from the date of sowing until maturity and uses Machine Learning to send out advisories through the dedicated Mobile App. It cuts down the extension costs by 70% . Data transfers through 4G is not sufficient. With drone and satellite applications, data to and from field to scientists and back 5G is need of the hour. DOT’s initiative of expanding rural mobile telephony will change the face of Agriculture within next 5 years.

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