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Spectrum to promote R&D activities in Wireless Technologies

Considering requirements for emerging new radiocommunications technologies and to promote R^D activities in the field of wireless radiocommunications, specially 5G technologies, the government has decided to regulate following –

  1. Experimental and Technology trial licenses
  • Experimental (non-radiating) indoors, including license for spectrum
  • Experimental (radiating) including license for spectrum for indoor and outdoor testing
  • Technology Trials (radiating): special case of 5G
  • Technology Trials (radiating) (other than 5G trials)
  1. Manufacturing and Testing licenses
  2. Demonstration licenses
  • Demo indoor for finished products including license for spectrum non-radiating/ very low power radiating
  • Demonstration (outdoor) for finished products including license for spectrum radiating

The spectrum proposed to be assigned for above cases will be subject to the condition that such spectrum, if subsequently assigned through auction, or otherwise, for commercial use, will entail termination of any radiating license in outdoor environment, so that such spectrum can be assigned to the entity which has acquired it through auction. 

(for details

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